Saturday, May 9, 2015


Many Nigerian youth like to act as if they have attained emancipation from traditional norm and dogma. It is quite a sight to behold when one comes across some youth who talk about how things are done in civilized societies and how government has failed to put structures in place for the effective working of the social systems. It is the norm in Nigeria to blame it all on the government. In too many ways, they blame government for not giving young people opportunity, employment, loans, etc., as a result many Nigerian youth resort to crime and violence and make themselves available tools in the hands of politicians with dishonourable intentions towards Nigeria and Nigerians.

Many young Nigerians contested in the recently concluded elections; a few of them came out successful and many of them lost. How many of them ran without the influence of politicians operating with expired and unprogressive mentality? How many of  those who have gained seats in the house of assembly and house of representatives can truly function without the overbearing weight of old politicians? Nigerians are watching.

In the light of the above, it must be highlighted that many young Nigerians were actively involved in cases of violence during the last elections. Some were arrested by the police while others escaped the law. They were paid some amounts of money to cause havoc which they  did to the satisfaction of the patrons. For those who were caught and those who escaped, one wonders how long such money will remain in their hands and when it is exhausted, what next?

This discourse is necessitated by the British/Scottish elections conducted on the 7th of May. Among the contestants was a 20year old student, MHAIRI BLACK of the Scottish National Party who ran for MP in Paisley and Renfrewshire south where she defeated Douglas Alexander. She has by so doing become the youngest MP in Britain.

A 20year old female contesting for a party ticket in the primaries in Nigeria? No way, maybe in 20 years time. 

This is to urge all misguided young Nigerians to ponder on this while feasting on the bread of sorrow gleamed from the table of corrupt politicians.  There is a better chance for young Nigerians to attain political recognition and excellence in leadership if they resolve to come together in one political party that is free of the manipulations of the old brigade.

GOD bless Nigeria.